Start Receiving LC

LC is a free, worldwide magazine for, by and about lesbians, publishing since 1974.  Issues are mailed out every other month in a plain brown envelope – the word “lesbian” doesn’t appear anywhere on the outside. Click here to donate now & start receiving LC

Lesbian Connection is a grassroots lesbian network and readers’ forum.  Each issue is made up of the letters, responses, articles, reviews, etc., from our subscribers.  It also includes information and ads for lesbian festivals, events and businesses, lesbian land and retirement communities, and the popular comic strip “Dykes to Watch Out For” by Alison Bechdel.

While LC is FREE to lesbians, we do have a suggested donation of $42/year, always more if you can, less if you can’t.

To make a donation now and start receiving LC, click here. Elsie Publishing is a tax-deductible U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity (FEIN ID# is 38-2310325).

Not wanting to donate today?  That’s fine. 
Simply fill in the form below, and we’ll be happy to add you to our mailing list to receive Lesbian Connection.  Issues are mailed at nonprofit rates, so your first issue may take up to 3-4 weeks to reach you after it’s mailed.  If you send us your name and address before the end of the month, we should be able to get you into our next mailing.

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Start Receiving LC

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Thanks to lots of recent spam, we're currently not accepting subscription requests from .gov and some other select email addresses.