Upcoming Topics

for Future Issues of LC

Do any of the following topics catch your eye?  Got something to say about ’em?  Share your thoughts with all of us!  Simply email them to us at LC@LConline.org.  (Please include your name and where you receive LC.)

Also, if there are other topics you’d like to see discussed in future issues of LC, just drop us a line and we’ll consider them the next time we update this list.


Upcoming Topics

Mail Date

June 20

  • Yours, mine & ours: – How do you handle money in your relationships?
  • Lesbian Connection's 50th Year!: - Send in your thoughts/ memories of LC.
  • What were you doing in 2014? 2004? 1994? 1984? 1974? – Were you doing something fun or memorable? Tell us about it.

Aug 6, 2024

Aug 20

  • Favorite film, video or show – that means a lot to you as a lesbian. Why?
  • Favorite read - that means a lot to you as a lesbian. Why?

Oct 1, 2024
